Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Concentrating solar power

Concentrating solar power is used for large generators installation or heating installations. Concentrating can be achieved by using many lenses or more often with help of mirrors compounded in to a dish or Power Tower configuration. Power tower configurations are using computer controlled mirror's field for focusing sun radiation to a central tower, which then turns the main generator on. Till this date demonstration systems with output power above 10 MW have been designed. Those new systems have also possibility of night work as well as bad weather work in a way of storing hot liquid in very efficient container (some sort of thermo bottle). Dish systems are observing Sun's movement focusing on that way its radiation. There is also "Trough" system of concentrating solar power, which can be very efficient. Such power plants can be very strong: California has installed one with power of 354 MW. When there's not enough solar energy, systems that are concentrating solar power can be without bigger problems easily converted on natural gas or some other energy source. That is possible because Sun is used for heating the liquid, and if there's no sun liquid is heated on some other way. Problem when concentrating solar power is large space required for power plant to be built, but that can be solved for instance by building power plant in desert. Deserts also have far more expressed sun's radiation than any other areas. Major problem as well is price of mirrors and concentrating solar power systems.

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